Friday, April 20, 2012

Yes, I AM Going To Make It!

I know I've mentioned this before, but people seem fascinated with the large-ness of my belly right now.  I'm a little over 6 months pregnant right now, and the comments are getting more and more frequent. 

"Are you due just any day now?"

"Oh, honey, when are you due?"

"Oh, look at you!  You're all baby!"

"Oh, my word!  Are you having twins?"

Why do they always have to preface a comment with "Oh"?  I don't get it.

And I like this one:

"Oh, you look like you're about to pop any time now!"

Pop?  There is no popping involved when giving birth.  You pop a balloon and it happens very quickly and the balloon immediately deflates.  Labor and childbirth does not happen quickly.  It lasts forever.  And afterwards, you still look pregnant.  The deflations happens over a period of time.  No one bothered to tell me this when I had Patience.  When I left the hospital I still looked 7 months pregnant.  I might have cried.  Actually I know I did.  For some reason I had envisioned myself slipping right back into my old jeans.  That didn't happen.  Two years later I still haven't slipped back into them.

But my personal favorite comment is this:

"Oh, you're not gonna make it!"

Please clarify what this means.  Am I going to die before my due date?  Explode?  Is that the same as popping?  I really don't understand.

The other day Ben, Patience and I were at Lowe's and a sweet little old lady came up to me and said, "Oh, honey, you must be due any day now!"

I said, "Actually, no, I have 10 weeks to go!"

She reached out and began rubbing my belly.  Oddly enough, it doesn't bother me when total strangers rub my belly.  Happens all the time.

The nice little old lady rubbed and said, "Oh, honey, they must have your due date wrong.  There's no way you're going to make it!"

What I wanted to say was, "Actually, the due date is correct because we know the exact week we conceived this baby.  Want me to tell you all about it?"

What I actually said was something nice, polite and acceptable like, "Well, we'll have to see how it goes!"

Now tell me, am I really that huge?  You don't have to answer that.

Wow, that really is a pretty good sized belly.  I wonder if I'm going to make it?


  1. Regardless of when this little boy graces us with his presence, you're definitely one of the prettiest mommies around. ;) And, on a side note... as a birth doula, I have yet to see a mom POP... and they've always made it. ;)

    1. Thanks, MOther-in-law! Can't wait for all of us to meet our boy!

  2. Sarah, you are showing more than some at the 6 month mark of pregnancy but then again who is to say what position that young man has decided to prop his self in before his big journey into our wonderful world. Some babies lay sticking straight out which sometimes makes the mommy look further along, but no matter, one thing is certain he will make his appearence when he is good and ready and when God has determined he will grace our world. You have always been and still are a beautiful person inside and out and a product yourself of loving and beautiful parents. Love you and pray when your time of "popping" comes it will go easy and quick and God will bless you with a healthy and happy little bundle of joy!

  3. Also Sarah I read all your blogs and really enjoyed them. You are a sweet mommy. Love you

  4. What a great Pic! You look great, and yes you will "make it"
